Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Home Interior The Basics

Home interior decoration can be overwhelming. Numerous details are accounted for, a variety of “Do- it- yourself” techniques are confusing to the point abandoning the entire process. In the long run, you’ll end up wondering if it is worth all the effort. In the end, you realize that you not have started anything. One would be tempted to just call in the professional and let them do the job and just pay them.
By virtue of the recent financial set-back that was experienced, homeowner’s are inclined to do it personally rather than hire a professional after considering the cost it may incur. Interior Home Decoration is fun and very demanding at the same time. The thrill of doing it youself is irresistible but the fact the one has no experience on what to do it is simply humbling.
Basic considerations on Interior Home Decoration should identify in order that the desired result is realized.

Ramplus Home Interior Closet Doors

Closet Storage
Home Interior Closet Doors
Raumplus Sliding Closet Doors
In any home or rental, the closet winds up being a very important room in the organization of our possessions. Typically, I am not stricken by closets and am drawn to the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. I think this is perfectly normal behavior. There is a difference, however, when you live in that property. This is where closets weigh heavily into the overall experience of the home interior. Good closet organization starts with proper accessibility to your clothes, shoes, and accessories. Sliding closet doors are a solution in providing great access to your clothes thereby allowing for proper closet organization. Pictured here are three ideas from Raumplus. There are over 2,000 different types of panels to choose from Raumplus. Panel choices include options from mirrors, melamine, veneer, laminates, metal, and other painted surfaces.

Home Appliance – Home Interiors Catalog

Home Appliance - Home Interiors Catalog 
Home Interiors catalog is one of the best ways to shop if you have your own house to build and decorate. There are several ways you can do to access these catalogs. You can easily find a complete line, or maybe you can buy one by mail, or perhaps find one in a public library. If you for shopping with the catalog interior, you should probably choose the company that offers a good deal in terms of security and you enjoy the benefits that can occur when needed. There will be times that you can also home interiors catalog which is rare, and because there you will see special offers and exciting products that you need it most.
Decorating your home can be difficult for beginners. Domesticity is not like choosing what you want, but it is also the layout and characteristics of your region. The good news is that you can find additional help to continue with your desired decoration. One of the best help you can get through the catalog interiors.
Home Appliance - Home Interiors Catalog 
Home Interiors A catalog is a shopping paradise must-have list. It’s a shopping list of equipment needs and equipment for interior decoration. However, it is not everything, it is also the ideal way to address not only what to buy or what things you need for your home, but you can discover how the appearance of your home to improve your home in addition to the board know how things together.
Home Interiors catalog offers many advantages that we shop for our homes, it is better than shopping center directly to a tele-shopping. First, you can choose from a wide variety of products you want, depending on your taste. There are many varieties to choose from and you can adjust your budget and there are only a small chance of not liking the products you use. The wide range of design choices allows the designer according to their preferences and gives them the opportunity to get the best deal. You can even reduced products in the catalog. In fact, there is no way you can skip the catalog because the use of the catalog, you’ll be introduced to many upscale items with the lowest price possible. The catalog is the common trait is a reasonable price, home users and designers would like to see.
Using the catalog of Home Interiors will intensify the path to your home to be professionally designed by experts. Can you really build your products with the very helpful advice in the catalog. As the creators of the catalog to ensure that products in the catalog are well placed in the directory and you can easily choose the designs you like with hints and tips on how to make your home.

Curvy spiral house design » curved-colorful-home-interior

Curvy spiral house design

Image gallery for Curvy spiral house design

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Future Home Design

This modern design was prefabricated – a popular construction method for the eco-conscious requiring less resources and resulting in less site disruption during development. The warm, wooden design boasts low-power LED lighting which gives the home an ultra-modern appeal. Green features include a rainwater harvesting system, passive ventilation, and solar cells embedded in the expansive panes of glass making up the front facade.

More Photo Gallery

futuristic house design vila

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Sketsa Rumah Minimalis 2011

Ide Sketsa Rumah Minimalis

Sketsa Rumah Minimalis
Sketsa Rumah Minimalis
Sudahkah keluarga anda mendesign sebuah rumah impiannya ? Ataukah anda hanya berniat untuk merenovasi ulang rumah lama anda menjadi suatu rumah minimalis ? Apapun pilihan anda, kini anda dapat mewujudkannya bila anda dapat memaksimalkan semua aspek ruang maupun eksterior yang ada pada design rumah anda. Suatu rumah minimalis akan selalu tampak terlihat simple dengan bentuk eksterior maupun dekorasi interiornya yang terlihat sederhana tanpa menghilangkan estetika dalam suatu karya seni.
Dalam design sketsa rumah minimalis, ada beberapa area yang perlu anda perhatikan :
  • Garasi yang sesuai. Seseorang yang ingin membangun rumah minimalis biasanya kurang memperhatikan area garasi rumahnya. Untuk itu ada baiknya anda membuat suatu garasi yang cukup luas sehingga dapat berfungsi juga sebagai tempat penyimpanan barang-barang kerja / perkakas rumah anda. Garasi yang luas seperti ini tentunya akan memiliki fungsi yang lebih baik karena tidak hanya sebagai tempat untuk parkir kendaraan anda.
  • Maksimalkan ruang untuk penyimpanan. Suatu rumah biasanya akan selalu memiliki ruang-ruang kosong yang oleh pemiliknya masih belum bisa dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Untuk itu, maka dengan design minimalis, anda diharapkan dapat lebih memaksimalkan ruang penyimpanan barang dalam rumah anda. Ruang-ruang tersebut adalah area bawah tangga, maupun pada area sudut pertemuan dinding. Dengan memaksimalkan area ini anda tentunya akan lebih dapat berhemat dalam pengeluaran anda. Secara tidak langsung, hal ini juga akan membuat tampilan rumah anda semakin menarik dan elegan.
  • Perhatikan sirkulasi area tiap ruangan. Hal ini seringkali diabaikan dalam mendesign suatu rumah. Sirkulasi antar ruangan ini juga sangat penting dan tentunya akan berfungsi dengan baik bila dapat didukung dengan penempatan interior ruangan dan organisasi ruang yang telah direncanakan. Anda harus dapat membayangkan, bagaimanakah lalu lintas orang yang berkegiatan di dalam ruang tersebut, apakah sudah cukup baik ataukah cukup sempit akibat terhalang suatu furnitur dan yang lainnya.
Ide-ide  dalam sketsa rumah ini memang terlihat sederhana, namun bila anda dapat memanfaakannya dengan baik, maka anda akan dapat menikmati setiap ruang anda secara maksimal. Secara umum masih banyah ide-ide gagasan lain yang lebih bermanfaat untuk design rumah minimalis anda. Untuk itu anda bisa menggunakan suatu layanan profesional dalam berkonsultasi, mendesign maupun membangun rumah impian anda.
Berikut ini anda juga dapat melihat beberapa contoh dekorasi yang bisa menjadi bahan ide anda.
Baca artikel menarik lainnya tentang “Pilihan Menarik Design Ekterior Rumah
Interior Rumah Minimalis
Interior Rumah Minimalis
Interior Rumah Minimalis

Interior Rumah Minimalis

desain rumah minimalis

rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
Desain Rumah Minimalis Extension House by Architects EAT. Sebuah rumah perpanjangan Canterbury, Australia, dibangun di atas tanah pada kolom baja diselesaikan oleh Melbourne Architects EAT. Foto adalah dengan Coombe James. Disebut Elm & Willow House, desain rumah minimalis termasuk memulihkan rumah dan bangunan Edwardian ekstensi u berbentuk di belakang. Struktur enlaced halaman di sekitar salah satu pohon, sedangkan panel kaca geser membentuk kulit sekitar kamar baru.
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
Desain rumah minimalis ini mentransparansi perbatasan memisahkan interior dan eksterior memberikan mata untuk melihat unsur-unsur lain yang menciptakan tata ruang: pagar, pohon, batu, kayu, awan dan lansekap dipinjam. Selain itu memiliki sistem ventilasi pasif, dimana jendela Louver dipromosikan ventilasi silang.  Struktur beton yang ditawarkan massa termal ke rumah dengan lembaran lebih lanjut terisolasi untuk meminimalkan kehilangan panas. glazur Semua adalah double-kaca. Kenyamanan interior diberikan. Pohon-pohon gugur ditawarkan naungan penting ke rumah selama musim panas. Energi dan alat kelengkapan hemat air diterapkan di seluruh, dan air hujan diterapkan untuk kebun. Sebuah carport baru dengan grid-terhubung panel tenaga surya sedang dalam proses desain. Itu diperlukan 3 tahun. Klien ditemukan nafsu dalam merancang kebun dan anak pertama mereka lahir. Rumah minimalis modern ini adalah untuk kesenangan, yang tinggal di lanskap dengan keluarga, dan apresiasi ketenangan, keintiman dan tempat kudus – yang singkat asli kami.
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT
rumah minimalis by Architects EAT

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Luxuary Apartment Interior 2011

modern bedroom apartment interior design
modern apartment interior design ideas
modern and luxuary apartment interior
freen apartment interior
interior design apartment
interior design apartment ideas
fresh apartment interior design ideas
Have a apartment may be is one your dream., you have a minimalist and luxuary apartment interior. How to make you fresh apartment and luxuary ?? this is one ideas decorate apartment. you can try this example interior design apartment. If you like this interiors , you can try rearrange your furniture layout.

Amazing Architecture and Interior Home Design by Agraz Architect in Guadalajara

Amazing Architecture and Interior Home Design by Agraz Architect in Guadalajara Amazing Architecture and Interior Home Design by Agraz Architect in Guadalajara
Amazing Architecture and Interior Home Design by Agraz Architect in Guadalajara
When i look at this home architecture there are suitable combination between interior and exterior side, an architect  not only design exterior but pay attention fully toward interior too.This house comes from Agraz Arquitectos and manages to do just that. Designed for a family in Guadalajara, Mexico, the building has no less than three levels, each with a different purpose and personality. The first level includes a basement, a game room and a garage. The middle level houses the kitchen, family room and dining room and the three bedrooms are located at the third floor. There is a stairway which connects the rooms in the house and some lovely terraces which are accessible at every floor. The property also has two large courtyards.

Luxury Home Design – Amitabh’s Gift to Ash and Abhi Hoax

Just when we thought we would get a quota of e-mail hoax, there’s another one appears. And this time its about Amitabh Bachchan Gifting a house to his son and daughter-in-law. See images trusted until you see the signage on buildings and accessories such as towels that are given. The pictures in conducting a round of Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan gifted to their new homes by Pa actually is a boutique hotel called the Love Boutique Motel in Taiwan. This place is flamboyant, the interior is larger than life and a dream location.
More pictures below the house design is very good, maybe could be a reference for you to plan your luxury home design.
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Luxury master  bedroom Home Design
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Luxury Home Design and home ideas
Luxury bedroom Home Design
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large bathroom Luxury bathroom pool Home Design
beautiful verandah Luxury Home Design
beautiful Luxury interior Home Design

Home Interior Designs home decorating photos

Home Interior Designs home decorating photos, interior design photos, home decorating pictures, home interior design pictures, interior design pictures, home exterior photos, home exterior photo, home exterior design pictures, decor – getdecorating.com keywords related resources, links and photos coming from selected websites .
Home Interior Design | Modern Architecture | Home Furniture …
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Interior Designing Guide And Home Interior Designing Ideas
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Home Interior Decoration Accessories
Description : Well, no matter a well planned house and attractive interior designs play an important role, but actual verve of the interiors depend upon the small details that you add to your home. This is the reason that most of the designers stress …